The EAS IHHRM G23.0 Knowledge and Competency Framework for Global Higher Managers, also known as the EAS IHHRM G23.0 Global Management Competency Certification by EAS Vietnam and the SHRM Institute , has been upgraded with enhanced expertise and strategic pioneering. It illuminates the science and art of strategic management while shaping the competencies of global-caliber senior management generations.

The EAS IHHRM G23.0 globally establishes the most advanced models and standards in management, independent of functional constraints, with a high degree of interdisciplinarity, transcending sectors, and not bound by organizational hierarchy in strategic governance or modern business operations. 

The EAS IHHRM G23.0 framework enables compatibility across roles, positions, or power lines within any model or global organization. Candidates can register for training to obtain the certification or apply for the examination to earn this prestigious global management competency certificate.


The advent of the global EAS IHHRM G23.0 standard has shattered conventional paradigms in leadership and management, shifting from mere problem identification to the construction of both systematic and non-systematic solutions through reverse logic.
EAS IHHRM G23.0 has cultivated exceptional leaders, encompassing strategic planning, operational management capabilities, specialized proficiency, and the development of globally competitive organizational capital.
EAS IHHRM G23.0 has additionally refined organizational models, standards, and operational management procedures for institutions and enterprises, thereby fostering effective and positive cultures and advancing their competitive indices and capacities on a global scale.
Furthermore, EAS IHHRM G23.0 contributes to transforming national governance, establishing creative economies, building intelligent cities, and cultivating innovative citizens within nations integrated with the green digital creative economy.

Khac Biet Dang Cap
Hieu Qua


Academic credentials alone are insufficient for propelling career advancement or sustained job performance beyond a certain point UNLESS supplemented by the global EAS IHHRM G23.0 certification for roles, tasks, and skill domains demanding high-level management competency. Strategic planning, leadership, team management, and other resources in organizational operations or business activities serve as a prime example.
Strategy is essential at every level, as irrespective of position or specialization, a precise understanding of one’s role, deliverables, and organizational requirements is crucial for formulating solutions that adapt to market challenges and competitive pressures.
The EAS IHHRM G23.0 certification distinguishes professionals from their peers through a unique perspective, profound understanding of business dynamics, and a cultivated responsiveness in aligning their contributions with organizational and corporate strategy.


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EAS Vietnam Global Organization Management Professional G23.0(EAS GOM G23.0)

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Eas Gom G23.0


We invite you to explore a partnership with The International Strategic and Human Resource Management Institute (SHRM Institute). The EAS IHHRM G23.0 programs are meticulously crafted to ensure academic compatibility with accreditation benchmarks such as ACBSP and AUN-QA, thereby empowering UNIVERSITIES and BUSINESS SCHOOLS with enhanced mechanisms and channels to elevate their students and postgraduates capabilities. This collaboration enables the acquisition of the prestigious EAS IHHRM G23.0 certification, distinguishing graduates and fostering greater marketability compared to candidates from similar educational establishments.

Neu Ban La Truong Hoc
Hop Tac Quoc Te Min


We are currently expanding our global network of academic partners, training providers, and corporate alliances, and welcome synergistic partnerships from universities, training firms, and consulting organizations interested in championing us within their geographical domain.
Discover exceptional opportunities in bringing the valued EAS IHHRM G23.0 Strategic Business Certifications within your region, city, university or nation by partnering with us. To explore possibilities, simply click here or reach us via our Contact Us page to deliberate how we can mutually progress.

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Le Minh Thao

Le Minh Thao

General Director at Bevpax Pty Ltd

At EAS Vietnam (ISHRM), I experienced the most rigorous training program according to international EAS IHHRM G23.0 standards, with the very enthusiastic and professional support of the members, especially the teaching methods. Unique and open teaching by Dr. Bui Phuong Viet Anh really changed my perception of traditional management.

Gyimah Akua

Gyimah Akua Attaa Awath

Ghana Ministry of Education & Training

Thank you EAS Vietnam (SHRM Institute) for giving me the opportunity to study operations management standard EAS IHHRM G23.0 for the first time, helping me gain competencies and manage my long-term career. Thanks to that, I have built effective educational programs for my homeland.

Ngoc Tung

Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Tung

Deputy Director Training of the Space Institute

The knowledge and skills of the program have helped me plan my path and career as a leader with the distinction and class that EAS Vietnam (SHRM Institute) has brought to us.